Friday, December 13, 2013

W Reviews Episode 2: Ultimate Spider-Man Season 1 Episode 2 Is Up!

Well, sick of waiting around for the first episode of  W Reviews to get more views, I decided to upload the second episode, covering episode 2 of Ultimate Spider-Man's first season.  Please watch it below, though I highly recommend you check out the first episode before that, if you haven't already.  Any support would be greatly appreciated!

- nssfleahedgehog

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Finally, A New Post! (With A New Video Too!)

Yeah, I'm finally updating this blog.  I've made a new YouTube video where I review Ultimate Spider-Man Season 1 Episode 1.  Here it is!:

Hopefully, I'll be updating this blog more often now. :p

Until next time!

- nssfleahedgehog

Friday, August 23, 2013

Quote of the Day #1

Hey everyone!  I've decided to start something called "Quote of the Day," where I share a humorous and/or epic quote.  I might not end up doing it EVERY day, but will certainly put one up as often as I can.  So without further delay here's a quote from social browser game, Marvel Avengers Alliance(!):

Whiplash: (speaking to Luke Cage) Ah, the man whose skin cannot be cut.  How do you get flu shots then?  Ha ha!
Luke Cage: They make a nose spray.

- nssfleahedgehog

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Poll Time Extended

I have extended the time for the poll because nobody's voted yet.  The poll will now end on August 31st, at 2:00 PM CDT.  In the mean time, I'll try to cook up a video of some sort, but still, please please PLEASE VOTE!  Every vote is greatly appreciated!  Even if you don't care about the results, you could throw me a bone by randomly voting for something anyway!

Okay, that's enough pitiful begging from me.

Until next time!


Monday, July 29, 2013

1st Poll Added

I've added a poll to determine which cartoon series I should review each episode of.  The poll can be found in the right column, and will end on August 8th, 2013 at 2:00 PM (14:00) CDT (Central Daylight Time; look it up on Wikipedia, if you're unsure of the time in your time zone).

I won't say what the choices are, since you can simply look to the right of the page to see them, but I encourage everyone to vote.  Is there a series you really like, and want to see if I like it too?  A series you think is terrible, and want to see if I agree?  A series you're unsure if it's worth watching, and so would like a review for more info?  Any reason is a reason to vote.

All 5 of the options are currently ongoing series, and I have been watching each episode as it has been put online.

I look forward to the results!


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

New Page: YouTube Video Links

I've added a page providing links to my YouTube videos, which can be accessed from the sidebar.  On this page, my YouTube videos are listed under three categories: AMVs, Top 10 Lists, and YTPs/YTPMVs.
 "AMV" stands for "Animated Music Video" or sometimes "Anime Music Video."  Basically, I put video clips from video games, anime, cartoon, etc. to a song.  Top 10 List should be self-explanatory, but it's where I give my top 10 things within a specific criteria.  "YTP" stands for "YouTube Poop," a type of video where various internet memes are mixed to together to create a random and funny video, while "YTPMV" stands for "YouTube Poop Music Video," where various internet memes are put to song.  99% of the time, YTPs and YTPMVs do not involve actual poop (mine might mention it occasionally, though).

Please check out the page and click the links to any videos that interest you.  I hope you enjoy my videos!



Monday, July 15, 2013

First Post Welcome/Info

Hello, this is nssfleahedgehog, creator of this blog!  I've made this particular blog to share my opinions about the stuff I like, including (but not limited to): video games, anime, manga, superhero cartoons, movies, and other fictional media/works.  I'll post stuff like detailed reviews, editorials, and my YouTube videos.

Please remember this is all my opinion, which may differ from your opinion, so please be kind, and don't be a jerk about things.

I'll soon put up links to my YouTube videos, so look forward to that!

Until next time, everyone!

- nssfleahedgehog